Our story

They say having a child changes everything...

It was true.

In his professional life, he worked in different institutions such as European Investment Bank, GE, Accenture and Vitol. After working for 15 years, I gave birth to my beloved son Arhan. I loved being a mother; But I was starting to feel like I would never be the old Tamarisk again...

On the one hand, motherhood was restrictive and energy-consuming. On the other hand, it had brought out the most creative and productive version of me. My experience as a mother and a statistic I read at the World Economic Forum in 2018 provided the inspiration and foundation for the brand.

According to the World Economic Forum's 2018 Gender Equality Report, 130 million women give birth every year. 43% of them later quit their jobs, and 60% of those who quit regret it. “Why are you resigning?” When asked, they answer: "Because there is a prejudice against new mothers, it is difficult to pump at work, there are no maternity/breastfeeding clothes suitable for the work environment."

I always found myself wearing tacky clothes that I wouldn't normally wear, and I constantly felt ugly. I was usually at home wearing comfortable but too shabby clothes. When I went out, I would always miss what was being said because I would move to another place to breastfeed during the deepest part of the conversation. When I was sitting at the table trying not to miss it, I couldn't understand anything about my baby or the conversation because I was fighting with the breastfeeding cover. There wasn't much difference between dating and not dating... I missed my old social/work life.

I wanted to have clothes that were simple and practical, but luxurious and stylish. Clothes that I wear with pleasure, not because I have to, but because I want to... After spending 6 months with the current clothes offered for this period, I decided that a brand could be established that could offer women more than that. Moreover, it is not just this period; A brand that offers timeless pieces covering all periods during pregnancy, breastfeeding and beyond...

So I decided to be a voice, not a brand. I wanted to be there for all women who choose to maintain their prenatal identities. Accouchée was founded to offer premium quality clothing for mothers with active social and professional lives. In our second year, Accouchée, which reached many women from different professions and backgrounds, was selected among the 50 startups to be supported by the US State Department for a better world. The following year, Mr. I was invited by Cherie Blair to the 2020 World Economic Forum in Davos to present Accouchée as a case. I then received an invitation from UN Women to present Accouchée as a tool for Gender Equality.

While I was raising my son, I started to grow Accouchée with product development, production, sales and many similar functions. Today, I am happy to introduce to women a brand consisting of high quality and stylish products, all produced in Turkey.

On my daughter's birthday, I received news that we had been accepted into one of the largest chain stores in America. We continue to realize our dream of a world where breastfeeding mothers are not confined to their homes or breastfeeding rooms. My wish is a world where our designs make women feel strong and self-confident again and they don't miss their old days; Because everything starts with a strong and happy mother, and only a happy child she raises can change the world.

Ilgın Özdemir Yazgan

examples of social proof